Biodegradable is Better

September marks the start of Microplastics Awareness Month, a month dedicated to understanding the pervasive issues of microplastics and their impact on our environment and health.

What are microplastics?

Microplastics are miniscule plastic particles of less than 5 mm in size that result from the breakdown of larger plastic items, or are manufactured intentionally for use in various products. These microplastics can change the physical structure of the soil, limiting its capacity to hold water and affecting plants by reducing root growth and nutrient uptake. Moreover, chemical additives in plastics that leach into the soil can impact food value chains and lead to health implications. These tiny particles have infiltrated nearly every aspect of our environment, including oceans, mountains, and everything in between. Due to the widespread infiltration of microplastics into almost every part of our day to day lives, it poses significant threats to all ecosystems and human health. 

Ag-related issues

In agriculture, traditional synthetic fertilizers and seed coatings often contain synthetic polymers that eventually degrade into microplastics. These microplastics contaminate the soil, disrupting soil health and impacting biodiversity. They can affect the microorganisms essential for nutrient cycling and plant growth, leading to reduced soil fertility and crop performance over time. Additionally, microplastics can be taken up by plants, entering the food chain and raising concerns about food safety. Microplastic particles from seed coatings and fertilizer can also further contaminate water sources through ending up in rivers, lakes and the ocean, and in result enter the food chain through being taken up by fish and other species. 

Studies have shown that high concentrations of microplastic contaminants in the soil ecosystem affect soil quality and fertility by altering its structure, bulk density, and water-holding capacity. The quality of agricultural products and the growth and photosynthesis of plants are also altered by the presence of microplastics. Additionally, microplastics can absorb and transport contaminants, such as heavy metals and other pollutants, within the soil environment. This contamination can disturb the health of soil organisms and their enzymatic activities.

Microplastics can affect the soil in numerous ways:
  • Physical Structure: Microplastics can clog soil pores, preventing proper aeration and water infiltration, which can hinder plant growth and root development.
  • Chemical Contamination: Additives from plastics can leach into the soil, potentially harming soil organisms and plants.
  • Nutrient Uptake: The presence of microplastics can limit the ability of plants to absorb essential nutrients, affecting overall crop yields and quality.

Human health related issues

The presence of microplastics in the environment further extends to human health. Studies have shown that microplastics can be found in drinking water, food, and even the air we breathe. These particles can carry harmful chemicals and pathogens, posing risks to human health. Ingesting or inhaling microplastics may lead to inflammation, disruption of the endocrine system, and other health issues. The long term impacts of microplastic exposure on human health is still being studied, but growing evidence calls for urgent action to reduce microplastic pollution. 


Nutreos: A sustainable solution

At Lucent Bio, we believe that the future of agriculture lies in sustainable innovation. Unlike conventional seed coatings, Nutreos is entirely biodegradable, breaking down naturally in the environment without leaving harmful residues. Nutreos is non-toxic and plant-based, offering a sustainable alternative to traditional seed coatings. Here is why biodegradable is better: 

  1. Environmental Protection: By eliminating  the presence of microplastics in Nutreos, our seed coating helps maintain the health of soil ecosystems. Healthy soil is the foundation of sustainable agriculture, supporting diverse microorganisms essential for nutrient cycling and plant growth. 
  2. Enhanced crop performance: Nutreos is not just a sustainable choice, it also enhances crop performance. Our biodegradable coating improves seed germination and early crop vigour, leading to the growth of more robust and resilient crops. growers can achieve better yields while reducing their environmental footprint and further input of microplastics.
  3. Reducing Microplastic Pollution: The use of biodegradable materials in Nutreos may reduce pollutants, such as microplastics, from entering the environment. This reduction in the use of microplastics extends beyond the growing process, as healthier, microplastic-free soils contribute to decreasing the impacts on human health.  

The adoption of Nutreos is a significant step towards a sustainable agricultural future. By choosing biodegradable, microplastic-free solutions, we can collectively reduce our environmental impact and foster a healthier planet for generations to come. At Lucent Bio, we are proud to be at the forefront of this movement, providing innovative solutions that benefit both growers and the environment. 

Learn More About Nutreos